Tara's transformative journey began after dedicating 15 years of her life as a homemaker. Tara felt a longing to carve a new path for herself. Encouraged by her husband's friend, who worked at Goodwill, she applied for a position in our Retail Operations Center. Upon joining Goodwill, Tara found herself in an environment that not only challenged her but also provided a sense of purpose and community. When asked about the best parts of her job Tara shared, “I get to interact with people that I would not normally get the chance to interact with. I’m grateful to be a part of something that helps so many people, specifically people like me [who have a disability].” It is an environment that fostered her self-esteem and confidence, allowing her to contribute to her household and feel proud of her ability to pay her way. More than just a job, Goodwill became a place where Tara could learn, grow, and embrace change. When at work, Tara feels empowered, strong, and supported. She looks forward to each day, not only for the camaraderie but also for the personal development it brings. Tara dreams of obtaining her driver's license and making further professional strides, and she knows that Goodwill will continue to be a supportive partner in her journey.